Aug 18, 2013

Rise and Raise

  • Rise refers to something being moved upwards or an amount of something being increased. For example, to say that the sun rises and hot air rises refers to the action of these objects moving upwards.
  • Raise refers to something being moved to a higher position or something getting improved. For example, to say that you raise your hand or your voice refers to the action of moving your hand or voice to a higher level than previously. Or, you might refer to a need to raise efficiency in the factory, when factory efficiency needs to improve.
  • Raise (raise, raised, raised, is raising):
    • raised my head to look at them.
    • She raises the book from the floor.
  • Rise (rise, rose, risen, is rising):
    • My head rose upon hearing the harsh noises.
    • My book is rising to the bestsellers top ten list.
  • It might help you to remember this mnemonic: To RAise grammatically has an Attack to or an Action on an object, but to rise does not have.
  • "I rise each day at 8 o'clock" - this is a formal way of saying "I get up each day at 8 o'clock".
  • "She rose when the queen entered the room" - another formal way of saying "she got up when the queen entered the room".
  • "The wind and water level are rising, please evacuate!" - this refers to the wind becoming stronger and the water level moving upwards.
  • "He wanted to rise to the top of his field" - is one way of saying "He wanted to be promoted to the top of his field".
  • "Use of disposable water bottles rose during the 90s" - is another way of saying "Use of disposable water bottles increased during the 90s".
  • "Those of you wishing to visit the museum today, please raise your hand." - refers to "putting up or lifting" your hand.
  • "I have to raise my voice because he's a little deaf." - refers to "lifting the level" of the person's voice.
  • "She raised the her slightly to make the skirt shorter to walk in the water." - refers to placing the hem in a higher position than before.
  • "Raise" is a regular verb. This makes it easy to remember in both the past and perfect participles. On the other hand, "rise" is an irregular verb and its past and perfect participles therefore changes in its past participle and perfect participle forms.

Jun 16, 2013

phrasal verbs for u


break down - fail to function - have a physical or mental collapse

break in - interrupt a discussion - burgle - soften with use (shoes)

break off - discontinue - (therapy, relationship)

break out - escape from prison, begin suddenly

break up - end a relationship


bring about - cause to happen

bring forth - give birth to

bring forward - draw attention to sth

bring on - cause to happen or appear

bring round - persuade - cause to recover consciousness

bring up - rear, educate a child - mention - vomit


call back - return a phone call

call for - require

call in - communicate by phone - consult a specialist

call off - cancel

call out - read names aloud - order workers to strike

call on request sb to do sth ( request somebody to do something)

call up reach by phone - summon for military services

carry :-

carry away - remove, inspire, affect emotionally

carry off - take away (by force)
remove, degrade (earth)

carry on continue

carry out accomplish, make

carry through complete
bring out of difficulties


come about happen, to be achieved

come across find/meet by chance

come after follow

come at attack
reach, discover

come back return

come by pass, go past, visit
buy, get

come down fall (price)

come down to mean, signify

come down with fall sick with

come in enter, be received - prove to be

come in for receive, be object of (criticism)

come off become detached

come out become known, be published - be removed (stain)

come over come from a distance

come round visit sb - recover consciousness

come to amount to - arrive/reach a place

come up be mentioned/discussed (problem) arise

come up against be faced with (problems)

come upon find/meet by chance

come up to match (a standard)

come up with produce an idea

Aid & Aide

The word aid means help or assistance. It is commonly seen as an adjective, a noun and a verb. (As a verb, it means to help or to assist.) 


Be bold and mighty powers will come to your aid.

I have known sorrow and learned to aid the wretched. 


The noun aide means a helper or an assistant. An aide is a person.


General McChrystal and his aides told the unvarnished truth.

The Libyan leader caused a scene at the African Heads of State Summit in Munyonyo when he slapped one of his aides for taking him to a wrong venue.

What's Teen

What's a "teen", or a "teenager"? People sometimes talk about
teenagers when they really mean "young people". For example,
you might read: "This is a club for teenagers from 12 to 16."

Time to get accurate. Someone who is twelve years old is not
a teenager. Someone who is thirTEEN years old *is* a teenager.

How old is a teenager? A TEENager is:

13 thirTEEN
14 fourTEEN
15 fifTEEN
16 sixTEEN
17 sevenTEEN
18 eighTEEN
19 nineTEEN

Note the following:

They are in their teens. (They are aged 13 to 19.)
They are in their late teens. (eg They are aged 17 to 19.)
- early teens
- mid teens

a teen idol (an idol for teenagers)

a teenybopper - a young teenager (especially girl), who
follows the latest fashions in music and clothes

Here are 7 important times or parts of the day in English.

Here are 7 important times or parts of the day in English.


This is the middle of the night (00:00 hours).

This is the middle of the day, also called "NOON" (12:00 hours).


This is the time from midnight to midday.

This is the time from midday (noon) to evening.
From 12:00 hours to approximately 18:00 hours.

This is the time from the end of the afternoon to midnight.
From approximately 18:00 hours to 00:00 hours.


This is the time when the sun rises or comes up (sunrise).

This is the time when the sun sets or goes down (sunset).

May 12, 2013



*ANDREW: Hi, how’s it going?
*BRAY: I’m not badhow about you?
*ANDREW: Well, I’m so sad because I miss a friend
*BRAY: Oh! I’m sorrythen if you miss that friendyou should tell him that you need him.
*ANDREW: I’d like to tell him but I can’t do itbecause he has to study and he doesn’t have time for talking or going out.
*BRAY: Wow! I’m surprised because that shows that you are a good friend, I’d like to do something for you but I don’t know what to tell you.
*ANDREW: Don’t worry! I just wanna say that I’m thankful for your friendship because you always know to hear me and I like being your friend for that.
*BRAY: Thanks a lot, I still remember when I knew youyou needed someone for talking and I was bored that night.

*ANDREW: Hahaha, I also remember thatIt was midnight and you weren’t sleepyso we are friends since then.
*BRAY: Yeah, It’s good to know it.
*ANDREW: Changing about topicwhat are you up to?
*BRAY: Well, I’m chatting with you and listening to music.
*ANDREW: Oh, that’s greatWhat music do you listen?
*BRAY: I’m listening to pop
*ANDREW: NiceIs that only genre what you like or you like other genre?
*BRAY: I’d say that I like listening to pophip hop and ballad but I sometimes don’t like listening ballad because It gets me down easily, I gotta own up that I’m a little sentimental.

*ANDREW: Oh thenYou are a shy person.
*BRAY: mmmmm! I wouldn’t say that, I’m a little complicated with everything.
*ANDREW: Why do you say that?
*BRAY: I tell you because It’s the truthbut welleverything changed when I knew youhowever you changed my life and I hope You’re gonna feel good with this.
*ANDREW: I say the sameIt means a lot for me, You’re the best person I’ve known if someone tells me for changing something about you, I won’t never do it because You’re perfect.
*BRAY: Perfect? I don’t believe it, I know I have lots of weak points because nobody’s pefect in this life then It was going to be like this then It will be awful.

*ANDREW: YeahYou have a lot of reason, I’m dreadfully sorry for saying that, I messed up.
*BRAY: Take it easy, It’s not your own faultWe are humans and everyone has mistakes all time,by thewayhow is the weather over there? I’d love to know it so that I will travel over there for taking a rest.
*ANDREW: That’s amazing bludThe weather is strange here because It’s sometimes warm and cold,for exampleIt was raining cats and dogs yesterday but It began to let up today morning.
*BRAY: Thenyou mean that place isn’t good for taking a rest for now.
*ANDREW: That’s rightYou understand quiekly haha Lol
*BRAY: Of course, I’m very intelligent
*ANDREW: I know it dude

*BRAY: Can I tell you anything?
*ANDREW: Yessure.
*BRAY: Yesterdaymy dad told me off because my bedroom was untidy up.
*ANDREW: That’s not goodYou should tidy up your bedroom everyday for avoiding to your dad, I hope It doesn’t happen next time.
*BRAY: I don’t know If I can do it because I always bring on lots of troubles, I never stay at home for that, I’m in my cousin’s home right now, he’s a great cousin.

*ANDREW: WellYou gotta try to be a better person each dayOk?
*BRAY: Ok friendthanks for your advices.
*ANDREW: You’re welcomeyou know that you can always rely on me.
*BRAY: I think I gotta back on home because It’s very late and I don’t want to stay here overnight.
*ANDREW: Okay matetake care and see you soon
*BRAY: Yeah, It’s nice talking to you
*ANDREW: Likewisebe careful buddysee you
*BRAY: You too.