Apr 18, 2013

He who never changes his mind has no mind to change

Hello friend,

Today am here to share about quote "He who never changes his mind has no mind to change".

Let me take the help of another Spanish proverb to explain this, the Spanish proverb is " A wise man changes his mind a fool never will".
Wisdom means we change our minds if we see that we are wrong. fool always thinks he is right, so he is unable to change, to acquire wisdom, a wise man may find that he is wrong and correct himself, a fool will be stubborn and remain in the same place that he was....

you have to be more flexible, more open to ideas, ready to roll with the punches. I mean look at what we got to deal with everything in the modern world.... it better you adapt, and change, or you don’t. If you don’t then you stay stagnant, and don’t grow.

i have heard something similar to that. 
a wise man and a fool were walking for hours together. 
they both talked of many things. 
at the end of their walk the person to learn something was the wise man, 
and the person to not have learned anything was the fool.

A  man has no mind  to change may be known by six things: anger, without cause;  
speech, without profit;  change, without progress;  inquiry, 
without object;  putting trust in a stranger, and mistaking 
foes for friends.
In this modern world we need to change ourselves to adjust to the world and update our selves to find progress in life..

finally one who is open to changes can survive in the world and grab the 


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