May 12, 2013

Interview Tips

Things to avoid during an Interview

You are at the interview.  It is time to put your best foot forward and present yourself in the best possible light to the interviewers.  Go through our essential checklist to avoid making some fauz pas at the interview.   Remain professional at all times during the interview.

Mind your manners in an interview
Chewing Gum / Eating Candy
Looking at the clock / watch
Answering your cell phone / Leaving your cell phone on
Smoking even if the interviewer asks you to
Speaking too loudly
Getting angry or frustrated
Sitting too close to the interviewer

Don't be to casual in an Interview
Being too casual
Reclining your chair / putting your feet up
Rocking your chair back and forth
Sitting before the Interviewer sits
Avoid extravagant gestures / too much hand waving

Take Care of Hygiene Issues before the Interview
Using the bathroom in the middle of an interview
Sweaty palms as you will have to shake hands

Showing too much nervousness in a Interview
Being someone that you are not
Rambling on and on
Exaggerating too much

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