Apr 9, 2013

"Better to reign in hell than serve in heaven"

It is from John Milton's Paradise Lost...though most people only know it because it is quoted in the Star Trek Episode SPACE SEED, It is the line that the Satan screams as he is thrown down from Heaven into the fiery pit of Hell. 

In it Milton encapsulates why people choose damnation. It is Satan's sin of pride. Satan is so tied up in his pride, so enslaved by his pride, that he won't give it up, even if it means eternal damnation. He can't give it up and remain who he is... so rather than change who he is, he chooses an eternity of pain and torture...because he prefers that to swallowing his pride and submitting himself to the will of God.

better to serve in heaven than to reign in hell
better to be a servant and make it to heaven
than to be a master and go to hell

Does this apply to life? Yes, I think it often does. We're all stubborn now and then and like to have our way, even if it means suffering for a time. We all reject the sour grapes, even though they really aren't sour. Our pride makes us condemn them as sour. Every dammed soul makes the same choice. They are tied to their politics, or there routine life, or their lust, or their greed, or their money, or their hate, or their sense of intellectual superiority. Whatever they are tied to, it is something that they will not give up, at any cost.

All the best.

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