Feb 1, 2013


A blind rage like a fire swept over him
A book that rends and tears like a broken saw
A breath of melancholy made itself felt like a chill and sudden gust from some unknown sea
A cloud in the west like a pall creeps upward
A cloud like a flag from the sky
A cluster of stars hangs like fruit in the tree
A confused mass of impressions, like an old rubbish-heap
A cry as of a sea-bird in the wind
A dead leaf might as reasonably demand to return to the tree
A drowsy murmur floats into the air like thistledown
A face as imperturbable as fate
A face as pale as wax
A face tempered like steel
A fatigued, faded, lusterless air, as of a caged creature
A few pens parched by long disuse
A figure like a carving on a spire
A fluttering as of blind bewildered moths
A giant galleon overhead, looked like some misty monster of the deep
A glacial pang of pain like the stab of a dagger of ice frozen from a poisoned well
A glance that flitted like a bird
A great moon like a red lamp in the sycamore
A grim face like a carved mask
A hand icily cold and clammy as death
A heart from which noble sentiments sprang like sparks from an anvil
A jeweler that glittered like his shop
A lady that lean'd on his arm like a queen in a fable of old fairy days
A life, a Presence, like the air
A life as common and brown and bare as the box of earth in the window there
A light wind outside the lattice swayed a branch of roses to and fro,
shaking out their perfume as from a swung censer
A lightning-phrase, as if shot from the quiver of infallible wisdom
A list of our unread books torments some of us like a list of murders
A little breeze ran through the corn like a swift serpent
A little weed-clogged ship, gray as a ghost
A long slit of daylight like a pointing finger
A memory like a well-ordered cupboard
A mighty wind, like a leviathan, plowed the brine
A mind very like a bookcase
A mystery, soft, soothing and gentle, like the whisper of a child murmuring its happiness in its sleep
A name which sounds even now like the call of a trumpet
A note of despairing appeal which fell like a cold hand upon one's living soul
A purpose as the steady flame
A question deep almost as the mystery of life
A quibbling mouth that snapped at verbal errors like a lizard catching flies
A radiant look came over her face, like a sudden burst of sunshine on a cloudy day
A reputation that swelled like a sponge
A ruby like a drop of blood
A shadow of melancholy touched her lithe fancies, as a cloud dims the waving of golden grain
A silver moon, like a new-stamped coin, rode triumphant in the sky
A slow thought that crept like a cold worm through all his brain
A smile flashed over her face, like sunshine over a flower
A soft and purple mist like a vaporous amethyst
A soft haze, like a fairy dream, is floating over wood and stream
A soul as white as heaven
A sound like the throb of a bell
A stooping girl as pale as a pearl
A sudden sense of fear ran through her nerves like the chill of an icy wind
A sweet voice caroling like a gold-caged nightingale
A thin shrill voice like the cry of an expiring mouse
A thing of as frail enchantment as the gleam of stars upon snow
A vague thought, as elusive as the smell of a primrose
A vanishing loveliness as tender as the flush of the rose leaf and as ethereal as the light of a solitary star
A voice as low as the sea
A voice soft and sweet as a tune that one knows
A white bird floats there, like a drifting leaf
Against a sky as clear as sapphire
Age, like winter weather
Agile as a leopard
Agitated like a storm-tossed ship
Air like wine
All around them like a forest swept the deep and empurpled masses of her tangled hair
All like an icicle it seemed, so tapering and cold
All my life broke up, like some great river's ice at touch of spring
All silent as the sheeted dead
All sounds were lost in the whistle of air humming by like the flight of a million arrows
All that's beautiful drifts away like the waters
All the world lay stretched before him like the open palm of his hand
All unconscious as a flower
Alone, like a storm-tossed wreck, on this night of the glad New Year
An anxiety hung like a dark impenetrable cloud
An ardent face out-looking like a star
An ecstasy which suddenly overwhelms your mind like an unexpected and exquisite thought
An envious wind crept by like an unwelcome thought
An ideal as sublime and comprehensive as the horizon
An immortal spirit dwelt in that frail body, like a bird in an outworn cage
An impudent trick astal diamond, or serene morning air
And melting like the stars in June
An09174"> An isle of Paradise, fair as a gem
An old nodding negress whose sable head shined in the sun like a polished cocoanut
An omnibus across the bridge crawls like a yellow butterfly
An undefined sadness seemed to have fallen about her like a cloud
An unknown world, wild as primeval chaos
An unpleasing strain, like the vibration of a rope drawn out too fast
And a pinnace like a flutter'd bird came flying from afar
And a tear like silver, glistened in the corner of her eye
And all our thoughts ran into tears like sunshine into rain
And at first the road comes moving toward me, like a bride waving palms
And Dusk, with breast as of a dove, brooded
And eyes as bright as the day
And fell as cold as a lump of clay
And her cheek was like a rose
And here were forests ancient as the hills
And many a fountain, rivulet, and pond, as clear as elemental diamond, or serene morning air
And melting like the stars in June
And night, as welcome as a friend
And silence like a poultice comes to heal the blows of sound
And spangled o'er with twinkling points, like stars
And the smile she softly uses fills the silence like a speech
As a child in play scatters the heaps of sand that he has piled on the seashore
As a cloud that gathers her robe like drifted snow
As a flower after a drought drinks in the steady plunging rain
As a leaf that beats on a mountain
As a lion grieves at the loss of her whelps
As a man plowing all day longs for supper and welcomes sunset
As a sea disturbed by opposing winds
As amusing as a litter of likely young pigs
As arbitrary as a cyclone and as killing as a pestilence
As austere as a Roman matron
As beautiful as the purple flush of dawn
As blind as a mole
As brief as sunset clouds in heaven
As bright as sunlight on a stream
As busy as a bee
As cattle driven by a gadfly
As chimney sweepers come to dust
As clear as a whistle
As clear as the parts of a tree in the morning sun
As close as oak and ivy stand
As delicate and as fair as a lily
As delightful to the mind as cool well-water to thirsty lip
As diamond cuts diamond
As direct and unvarying as the course of a homing bird
As distinct as night and morning
As dry as desert dust
As dumb as a fish
As easily as the sun shines
As easy as a turn of the hand
As elastic as a steel spring
As extinct as the dodo
As faint as the memory of a sound
As familiar to him as his alphabet
As fatal as the fang of the most venomous snake
As fleeting and elusive as our dreams
As foam from a ship's swiftness
As fresh and invigorating as a sea-breeze
As full of eager vigor as a mountain stream
As full of spirit as a gray squirrel
As gay and busy as a brook
As gently as the flower gives forth its perfume
As gently as withered leaves float from a tree
As graceful as a bough
As grave as a judge
As great as the first day of creation
As high as heaven
As I dropped like a bolt from the blue
As I dwelt like a sparrow among the spires
As if a door were suddenly left ajar into some world unseen before
As impossible as to count the stars in illimitable space
As in the footsteps of a god
As inaccessible to his feet as the clefts and gorges of the clouds
As inexorable as the flight of time
As innocent as a new laid egg
As iridescent as a soap bubble
As locusts gather to a stream before a fire
As mellow and deep as a psalm
As men strip for a race, so must an author strip for the race with time
As merry as bees in clover
As nimble as water
As one who has climbed above the earth's eternal snowline and sees only white peaks and pinnacles
As pale as any ghost
As patient as the trees
As quick as the movement of some wild animal
As quiet as a nun breathless with adoration
As radiant as the rose
As readily and naturally as ducklings take to water
As reticent as a well-bred stockbroker
As ruthlessly as the hoof of a horse tramples on a rose
As shallow streams run dimpling all the way
As simple as the intercourse of a child with its mother
As sleep falls upon the eyes of a child tired with a long summer day of eager pleasure and delight
As some vast river of unfailing source
As stars that shoot along the sky
As still as a stone
As stupid as a sheep
As sudden as a dislocated joint slipping back into place
As summer winds that creep from flower to flower
As supple as a step-ladder
As swaggering and sentimental as a penny novellete [novellete = short novel]
As swift as thought
As the accumulation of snowflakes makes the avalanche
As the bubble is extinguished in the ocean
As the dew upon the roses warms and melts the morning light
As the fair cedar, fallen before the breeze, lies self-embalmed amidst the moldering trees
As the light straw flies in dark'ning whirlwinds
As the lightning cleaves the night
As the loud blast that tears the skies
As the slow shadows of the pointed grass mark the eternal periods
As those move easiest who have learn'd to dance
As though a rose should shut, and be a bud again
As though Pharaoh should set the Israelites to make a pin instead of a pyramid
As unapproachable as a star
As weird as the elfin lights
As well try to photograph the other side of the moon
At extreme tension, like a drawn bow
Away he rushed like a cyclone
Awkward as a cart-horse

Jan 16, 2013

Principles of Success

Principles of Success:

1.Develop definiteness of Purpose

2. Establish Mastermind Alliance
3. Assemble an attractive Personality
4. Use Applied Faith
5. Go the Extra mile
6. Create Personal Initiative
7. Build a Positive Mental Attitude
8. Control your Enthusiasm

9. Enforce Self Discipline
10. Think Accurately
11.ontrol your Attention
12. Inspire Team Work
13. Learn from Adversity and Defeats
14. Cultivate Creative Vision
15. Maintain Sound Health
16. Budget your Time and Money
17. Use Cosmic Habit Force Definite Purpose of Life:

Definiteness of Purpose:

One should have a high desirable, outstanding goal and keep it ever before you. You can have many non-conflicting goals, which help you to reach your major definite purpose of life. It is advisable to have immediate, intermediate, and distant objectives. Identify your desire with a definite plan for carrying out and achieving your objectives. Put your plan into action at once.

Act Now:

The meaning of life is action. You are known by your actions. You are remembered by your actions. The generations today know Gandhi as a man of peace, Einstein as a man of science, Henry Ford as a man who built a huge fortune. When we remember a man, it is the picture of his actions that come to our mind.
If the meaning of life is action, its natural corollary is you have to act. You have to keep doing the action that is your chosen profession or vocation. There is no escape from it. The very foundation of the Gita is action. Actions can be fruitful or go futile. The ‘Gita’ also talks of attitude. Your attitude towards your action determines the worth of your action. Action without lust, attachment, greed or ego is the best way to perform an action.
A genius is 99 per cent perspiration & one percent inspiration.
........ Albert Einstein

Some of us who believe solely in luck or inspiration are adamant in our belief. The fact is nothing comes without toil and hard work. Even Einstein, the greatest scientist of our times strongly felt the value of perspiration. Nothing substantial has ever been arrived at or achieved without perspiration.

Persistence And Determination

Nothing will take the place of persistence.
Talent will not: Nothing is more common than unsuccessful people with talent.
Genius will not: Unrewarded genius is a proverb only.
Education will not: The world is full of educated derelicts.
Persistence & determination alone are omnipotent.

……Calvin Cooli

Resistence is the power to say ‘No’ to a task, comes what may. Persistence is the ability to persevere under thick and thin alike.

You cannot persist in your efforts, if you do not have a single minded determination. People with single minded determination and persistence are too busy. They do not have time for anything else apart from what is their immediate goal or object.

Success usually comes to those who are too busy to be looking for it.

......Henry David Thoreau.

If you have a goal or target, a plan of action with single minded determination and persistence, the success is yours. If you have an unwavering faith in yourself and your ability to achieve your goal, it will be easy for you to develop the character of persistence.

Single minded determination calls for mental discipline. Such a discipline is not acquired overnight but comes through strenuous effort inculcated over a long period of time. Single minded determination is a positive catalyst for hard worker. You cannot work hard if you determination is wavering.

Single minded determination or will reflects your thought process. Understanding your thought process and applying it to achieve your goal is the key to success.

Belief & Faith

If you do not believe you will be successful, you will never be. If you doubt yourself and your abilities, the success steps you take will be hesitant and the measures will be half hearted. Belief and faith can do wonders, it can to miracles.

Do you know about faith-healers? Or have you heard about them? Some people are capable of healing themselves merely because they have an unwavering faith in the curative powers of belief system. There are even those people who can heal other.

If You Think

If you think you are beaten, you are.
If you think you dare not, you don’t!

If you like to win, but think you can’t. It’s almost a clinch you wan’t.
If you think you’ll lose, you are lost. For out in the world we find.

Success begins with a fellow’s will; It’s all in the state of mind.
If you think you are outclassed, you are, you’ve got to think high to rise.
You’ve got to be a sure of yourself before. You can ever win a prize.

Life’s battles don’t always go to the stronger and faster man,
But sooner or later the man who wins……

Is the man who thinks he can.


This man failed in business at the age of 21: was defeated in a legislative race at age 22: failed again in business at age 24: had his sweetheart die when he was age 26: had a nervous breakdown at age 27: lost a congressional race at age 34: lost a senatorial race at age 45: failed in an effort to become vice-president at age 47: lost a senatorial race at age 49: and was elected president of the United States at age 52. The man was Abraham Lincoln.

In 1913, Lee De Forest, inventor of the triode tube, was charged by the district attorney for using fraudulent means to mislead the public into buying stocks in his company by claiming that he could transmit the human voice across the Atlantic. He was publicly humiliated.

Colonel Sanders, at age 65, had assets of a beat-up car and a $ 100 check from social security. He realized he had to do something to improve his position. He remembered his fried chicken recipe and went out selling. How many doors did he have to knock on before he got his first order? It is estimated that he had knocked on more than a thousand doors before he got his first order.

As a young cartoonist, Walt Disney faced many rejections from Newspaper editors who said he had more talent. One day a minister at a church hired him to draw some cartoons. Disney was working out of a small rodent infested shed near the church. Seeing a small mouse inspired him to draw a new cartoon. That was the start of the Mickey Mouse.

One day a partially deaf four-year old child came home with a note in his pocket from his teacher, “your Tommy is too stupid to learn, get him out of the school.” His mother read the note and answered “My Tommy is not too stupid to learn, I will teach him myself.” and that Tommy grew up to be the great Thomas Edison. Thomas Edison had only three months of formal schooling.

Positive Attitude & Success:
Positive attitude gives hope. Positive attitude reassures you. Positive attitude is a mental trait of seeing light in darkness. If you are a person of positive temperament you always see the brighter side of life. Why is it that?

When most of the people say the glass is half empty, a few people emphasize that that the glass is half full.

When a task is assigned to two persons, one of them says it is difficult and cannot be done, the other person says it requires more effort and can be done.

When the weary army of Alexander the great refused to move beyond Indus, saying fighting any longer was an Impossible task, Alexander said Indus can be crossed and the kings beyond Indus can be defeated and he did.

When Napolean command his army to cross Alps, they said “it was impossible” Napolean replied, “the word impossible is written in the dictionary of fools.”

The answer is positive attitude.

There is an intimate link between success & positive attitude. No one who has ever been successful has in his journey ever said ‘quite’. No one who has ever been successful has ever lost hope in his journey to success. No one who has said ‘impossible’ to a task has ever gone on to make it possible. But the contrary is often true:

If you say, I can, you will
If you say, I cannot, you will never

It is not because things are difficult that we do not dare;
It is because we do not dare that they are difficult
Positive attitude can do wonders. It can make possible what is seemingly impossible for the others. Positive attitude is the seed out of which positive traits, which are essential for success, sprout forth. It is the positive attitude again which waters and feeds the saplings of positive traits.

Your mind is a machine of thoughts and ideas. If you do not fill it up with positive, inspiring and motivating thoughts, it will turn into a jungle of negative thoughts. Your mind is beautiful garden, if you don’t plant and nurture sapling of flowering plants in it, it will turn into mess of wild creepers, bushes and thorny plants.

You mind is a huge factory charming out ideas & thoughts. You are the supervisor of this factory. You have two foremen at your beck and call. They are Mr. Yes and Mr. No. as soon as your factory produces a great idea; you invite both the foreman to discuss its execution. Both of them as their names go, suggest accordingly. It is up to you to follow their advice or not. If you begin to follow the advice of ‘Mr No’ more and more, you begin to develop a negative attitude. A time comes when ‘Mr.No.’ has taken a complete control over your thought process. By and by a time comes then even before you could let a great idea seep within you, ‘Mr No’ comes and thrashes it out of shape, so much so that ‘Mr No’ takes a complete control over you.

If success is what something really attracts you, and sure it does everyone, then you must make a deep association with ‘Mr. Yes’, your foreman.

Dream & Vision
Imagination is everything.
If we can imagine a future, we can create it,
if we can create that future, other will live in it.
That is the essence of success.
Dream is the stuff reality is made of. The message of our President A.P.J. Kalam to children is that they must dream if they want to be successful.

If you have no dream, you not looking forward to anything. Therefore you cannot be successful. Nationalists like Gandhi and Nehru had the dream of a future India. They had the visions of society, polity, economy and constitution that an independent India would have. It was this vision or dream they were working for.

Dream particles and the real ones are not different, when the dream is lively and vivid. The Hindu mythology calls the universe a great cosmic dream of the creator.

When you have a lively vision or dream, you are a creator on way to creation. Let this dream persist. Let your vision grow stronger and stronger each moment of the day. And then one day you will realize your dream has turned into a reality. You may not be surprised by it, but the others will be.

Do not confuse dreams with day-dreams. Day-dreaming is idling. Day dreams lull you into inaction. But dreams are different.

Dream energizes you to activity
Dream strengthens your belief system
Dream adds to your confidence
Dreams puts a goal before you
Therefore, one must not just dream, but make the dream colourful and vivid. If possible, a picture of your dream that you wish to get or attain should be hung in your living room. To make your dream lively:

Remind yourself of your dream constantly
See the picture of your dream everyday
See your dream as the first thing when you get up in the morning
See your dream as the last thing when you go to sleep in the night.
In other words make your dream a living part of your consciousness. Make it the part of your sub consciousness too.

A new level of thinking:
Stephen covey in his illustrious book Seven Habits of Highly Effective People speaks about the new level of thinking which is principle-centered, character-based, inside-out approach to personal and interpersonal and interpersonal effectiveness.

Inside-out means to start first with self; even more fundamentally, to start with the most inside part of self-with your paradigms, your character, and your motives.

It says if you want to have a happy marriage, be the kind of person who generates positive energy and side step negative energy rather than empowering it. If you want to have a more pleasant, cooperative teenager, be a more understanding, empathetic, consistent loving parent. If you want to be trusted, be trustworthy. If you want the secondary greatness recognized talent, focus first on primary greatness of character.

The inside-out approach says that private victories precede public victories, that making and keeping promises to ourselves precedes making and keeping promises to the others. It says it is futile to put personality ahead of character, to try to improve relationships with others before improving ourselves. It must always be the Positive Character ahead of Positive Personality.
Source: principles of success

Dec 17, 2012


Mom, you're a wonderful mother,

So gentle, yet so strong.

The many ways you show you care

Always make me feel I belong.

You're patient when I'm foolish;

You give guidance when I ask;

It seems you can do most anything;

You're the master of every task.

You're a dependable source of comfort;

You're my cushion when I fall.

You help in times of trouble;

You support me whenever I call.

I love you more than you know;

You have my total respect.

If I had my choice of mothers,

You'd be the one I'd select!

Dec 3, 2012


"A, An, The" definite and indefinite articles in English
Read the following description

Here are the basic rules for when to use "A, An or The":

  • a = indefinite article (not a specific object, one of a number of the same objects) with consonants
    Eric has a dog.
    Gregory works in a factory.
  • an = indefinite article (not a specific object, one of a number of the same objects) with vowels (a,e,i,o,u)
    Can I have an apple?
    Donata is an English teacher.
  • the = definite article (a specific object that both the person speaking and the listener know)
    The car over there is fast.
    The teacher is very good, isn't he?
  • The first time you speak of something use "a or an", the next time you repeat that object use "the".
    I live in a house. The house is quite old and has two bedrooms.
    I ate in a Vietnamese restaurant. The restaurant was not very clean.
  • DO NOT use an article with countries, states, counties or provinces, lakes and mountains except when the country is a collection of states such as "The United States".
    My uncle lives in Cumbria near Lake Windermere.
    They live in Bristol.
  • Use an article with bodies of water, oceans and seas -
    I live on a small island in the Baltic Sea.
  • DO NOT use an article when you are speaking about things in general
    I like Indian tea.
    Simon likes reading books about linguistics.
  • DO NOT use an article when you are speaking about meals, places, and transport
    He has breakfast at home.
    I go to university.
    Magda comes to work by taxi.
Source:world english

Nov 28, 2012

Funny poem

Found this poem, thought it was so funny. 

Of loving beauty you float with grace
If only you could hide your face

Kind, intelligent, loving, hot
I just described what you are not !

I want to feel your sweet embrace
But don't take that paper bag off your face

I love your smile, face and eyes
Damn, I'm good at telling lies !

I see your face when i am dreaming
That's why I always wake up screaming !

My love, you take my breath away
What did you step in to smell that way ?

My feelings for you have no words to tell
Except for maybe ''GO TO HELL!!!''

What inspired this amorous rhyme ?
Two parts vodka, one part lime !

Nov 25, 2012

"Hope increases courage."

Note that the particular verb you choose helps orient your listener  toward your opinion of the statement. "Praveen says" is neutral; "Praveen informs us" is positive, "Praveen alleges" is somewhat negative. Other verbs to choose from include:
  • says
  • writes
  • observes
  • remarks
  • adds
  • declares
  • informs us
  • alleges
  • claims
  • states
  • comments
  • thinks
  • affirms
  • asserts
  • explains
  • argues

Sometimes you might want to use a colon introduction. For example:
Kumquat offers this explanation: "Deep thinkers talk little."

Nov 24, 2012

The word 'Day' in sentence

Word Day in the sentence gathered from various sources to reflect current and historical usage.

  • Over the last few days he had weakened rapidly.
  • I work two and a half days in a week.
  • Days in advance of your arrival date.
  • Days of receipt.
  • I asked her how she had spent the day, she answered pretty well, tho ' she was very weak.
  • The next day was a parade through the town.
  • Day trips.
  • Your wedding day will be one of the most important days in your life.
  • Day of departure.
  • The early days of the walk were a remote memory.
  • In most cases patients can return to work the following day.
  • However, all enquiries are dealt with same day where possible.
  • Order before 1 pm for same day delivery or before 4 pm for next day delivery or before 4 pm for next day home delivery.
  • Please note that any students arriving after 4.00 pm will have their assignments date- stamped for the next working day.
  • Day of the week, whilst some close at weekends.
  • Over the last few days he had weakened rapidly.
  • Penguins are the most numerous birds breeding on the island at the present day.
  • Outline a fun day of making for all the family.

Has not in the sentence

Has is used with He, She and It in the present, to give present perfect meaning. Let's read some examples.

She has not come yet.

She hasn't come yet.
He has not spoken.
He hasn't spoken.
Has she not made the decision.
Hasn't she made the decision.
She has not lived here.
She hasn't lived here.
He has not arrived.
She has not written.
He has not given.
It has not completed.
He has not finished.
She has not seen the movie.
She has money.
she has no money.
He has not been to India.
He thinks, he has not met you.
Has she not read the book yet?
She has not been ill.
She has not been in good mood since morning.
She has not been working.
Man has walked on the moon.
Man has not walked on the moon.
Our son has not learned how to read.
Scientist has not split the atom.
She has not talked to any specialists.
She has talked to specialists.
The rain has not stopped.
His car has not broken down.
Has she not been to England.
Has he not seen that movie.
He has not even noticed.
He has not worked hard.
She has not been searching.
Ti has not been eating.
She has not studied the maths properly.


Nov 23, 2012


Yellow journalism

Meaning: Journalism in which sensational stories are used to boost sales, or biased reporting is used to change the reader's views on an issue. Both of these are unethical.
For example:
  • Have you noticed how, during a war, normally trustworthy professionals start writing the worst sort of yellow journalism to justify their government's actions?
  • Karthi : "Is there any difference between yellow journalism and propaganda?" Pruthvi: "I think yellow journalism can be even more dangerous than propaganda if it's being presented as objective reporting by well-known journalists."
Variety: This idiom is typically used in American English but may be used in other varieties of English too.

Nov 22, 2012

All hope abandon ye who enter here'

From Dante's Divine Comedy. The 1814 translation into English by the Reverend H. F. Cary is the origin for this phrase in English, although he gave it as the less commonly used 'All hope abandon ye who enter here'.
Through me you pass into the city of woe:
Through me you pass into eternal pain:
Through me among the people lost for aye.

Justice the founder of my fabric mov'd:

To rear me was the task of power divine,
Supremest wisdom, and primeval love.

Before me things create were none, save things

Eternal, and eternal I endure.
All hope abandon ye who enter here.

Such characters in colour dim I mark'd

Over a portal's lofty arch inscrib'd:
Whereat I thus: Master, these words import.
Dante Alighieri wrote this allegorical epic poem between 1306 and 1321. Virgil is the guide who takes the reader through the author's examination of the afterlife, which travels through the Inferno (Hell), the Purgatorio (Purgatory), and the Paradiso (Heaven).

Nov 20, 2012

It's raining cats and dogs

“Cats and dogs” come from the Greek expression cata doxa, which means “contrary to experience or belief.” If it is raining cats and dogs, it is raining unusually or unbelievably hard.
to say it’s raining “cats and dogs” might be to say it’s raining waterfalls.

Nov 15, 2012

Word for the day

Achromatic adj. 

Meaning : Free of colour, weak in colourful. not colourful, Colourless,

Relating to, employing, or denoting lenses that transmit light without separating it into constituent colours.

In sentence:

1.Dogs typically see the world achromatically.
2.Grey is a neutral achromatic colour.

Phrasal verbs with meaning and example

check someone/something outlook at carefully, investigateThe security guard checks out all new employees.
check out someone/somethinglook at (informal)Check out the crazy picture on that guy's T-shirt!
cheer upbecome happierShe cheered up when she heard the good news.

Nov 14, 2012

Phrasal verbs with meaning and example

not care for someone/somethingnot like (formal)I don't care for his behaviour.
catch upget to the same point as someone elseYou'll have to run faster than that if you want to catch up with Bolt.
check inarrive and register at a hotel or airportWe will get the Apartment keys when we check in.
check outleave a hotelYou have to check out of the hotel before 11:00 AM.

Word for the day


Meaning occurring or existing without the knowledge of

1. Our cousin had been ill for years,unbeknownst to the family
2. Unbeknownst to me, she made all the arrangement.

Nov 13, 2012

Word for the day


Meaning: In an essential manner.

The adverb inherently means in a natural or innate manner. Some people enjoy your inherently cheerful nature, but it drives other people crazy because they find you annoyingly perky.


1.Inherent flaws in the present system of council tax.

2.Inherent in concepts of special education.

3.I think the most important ideas in that song were already 

   inherent in it before we recorded it.

Phrasal verbs - usage

call something offcancelPruthvi called the wedding off because he wasn't in love with his fiancé.
call on someoneask for an answer or opinionThe professor called on me for question 1.
call on someonevisit someoneWe called on you last night but you weren't home.
call someone upphoneGive me your phone number and I will call you up when we are in town.
calm downrelax after being angryYou are still mad. You need to calm down before you drive the car.

Nov 10, 2012

Word for the day

Meaning: Cantered on  a specific ethnic group, usually one's own.
             1. Belief in the superiority of one's own ethnic group.
       2. Overriding concern with race.

Phrasal verbs with meaning and example

call aroundphone many different places/peopleWe called around but we weren't able to find the book we needed.
call someone backreturn a phone callcalled the agency back but the offices were closed for the weekend.
call something offcancelGagan called the wedding off because he wasn't in love with his fiancé.

Nov 9, 2012

Idiom for the day

Be on the tip of tongue:
Meaning:  if something we want to say is on the tip of our  tongue, we think we know it and that we will be able to remember it very soon.

1.Hang on, it's on the tip of my tongue.

2.Wait, its on the tip of my tongue. 

Word for the day

Meaning: Thing moodily or anxiously about something.
              : To live.
Usage : 1.Keep dwelling on what went wrong.
             2.To dwell in poverty ( to live in poverty)

Phrasal verbs with meaning and examples

back something upreverseYou'll have to back up your car so that I can get out.
back someone upsupportMy wife backed me up over my decision to quit my job.
blow upexplodeThe racing car blew up after it crashed into the fence.
blow something upadd airWe have to blow 50 balloons up for the party.
break downstop functioning (vehicle, machine)Our car broke down at the side of the highway in the snowstorm.
break downget upsetThe woman broke down when the police told her that her son had died.
break somethingdowndivide into smaller partsOur teacher broke the final project down into three separate parts.
break inforce entry to a buildingSomebody broke in last night and stole our stereo.
break into somethingenter forciblyThe firemen had to break into the room to rescue the children.
break something inwear something a few times so that it doesn't look/feel newI need to break these shoes in before we run next week.
break ininterruptThe TV station broke in to report the news of the president's death.
break upend a relationshipMy boyfriend and I broke up before I moved to America.
break upstart laughing (informal)The kids just broke up as soon as the clown started talking.
break outescapeThe prisoners broke out of jail when the guards weren't looking.
break out in somethingdevelop a skin conditionbroke out in a rash after our camping trip.
bring someone downmake unhappyThis sad music is bringing me down.
bring someone upraise a childMy grandparents brought me up after my parents died.
bring something upstart talking about a subjectMy mother walks out of the room when my father brings up sports.
bring something upvomitHe drank so much that he brought his dinner up in the toilet.

Nov 7, 2012

Phrasal Verbs with meaning and example

ask someone outinvite on a dateGagan asked Mallika out to dinner and a movie.
ask aroundask many people the same questionasked around but nobody has seen my spects.
add up to somethingequalYour purchases add up to $150.32.