Aug 18, 2012

A request for further particulars will not involve any obligation
A telegram is enclosed for your use, as this matter is urgent
Accept our thanks for your recent remittance
Acknowledging the receipt of your recent inquiry
After examination we can confidently say
After very carefully considering
Again thanking you for the inquiry
Agreeable to our conversation
An addressed envelope is enclosed for your convenience
An early reply will greatly oblige
Answering your recent inquiry
Any information you may give us will be appreciated
Any time that may suit your convenience
As a matter of convenience and economy
As a special favor we ask
As directed in your letter, we are shipping to you
As explained in our previous letter
As it will give us an opportunity to demonstrate our ability
As stated in our previous letter
As we have received no response from you
As you, doubtless, are aware
As you probably have been told
As your experience has probably shown you
Assuring you of every courtesy
Assuring you of our entire willingness to comply with your request
Assuring you of prompt and careful cooperation
At the present writing
At the suggestion of one of our patrons
At your earliest opportunity
Awaiting the favor of your prompt attention
Awaiting the pleasure of serving you
Awaiting your early communication
Awaiting your further commands
Awaiting your pleasure


Believing you will answer this promptly


Complying with your request
Conditions make it obligatory for us


Do not hesitate to let us know
Do not overlook this opportunity
Do you realize that you can


Enclosed please find a memorandum
Enclosed we beg to hand you
Enclosed you will find a circular which will fully explain


For some years past
For your convenience we enclose a stamped envelope
For your further information we take pleasure in sending to you
Frankly, we believe it is extremely worth while for you
From the standpoint of serviceability


Here is a complete answer to
Here is your opportunity
I am giving the matter my personal attention
Hoping for a definite reply
Hoping that our relations may prove mutually satisfactory
Hoping to be favored with your order
How may we serve you further?
However, because of the special circumstances attached


I am compelled to inform you
I am confident that you will be thoroughly satisfied
I herewith submit my application
I am, gentlemen, yours faithfully
I am giving the matter my personal attention
I am, my dear sir, yours faithfully
I am still holding this offer open to you
I ask that you be good enough
I beg to request that you give me some information
I believe I understand perfectly just how you feel about
I have been favorably impressed by your
I have now much pleasure in confirming
I have pleasure in acknowledging
I have the honor to acknowledge the receipt
I have the honor to remain
I herewith submit my application
I highly appreciate this mark of confidence
I look forward to pleasant personal relations in the future
I regret exceedingly to inform you
I remain, my dear sir, yours faithfully
I shall be pleased to forward descriptive circulars
I shall esteem it a personal favor
I should welcome an interview at your convenience
I sincerely hope that you will give the subject your earnest consideration
I take pleasure in replying to your inquiry concerning
I trust I shall hear from you soon
I want to express the hope that our pleasant business relations will continue
I want to interest you
I want to thank you for your reply
I wish to confirm my letter
If I can be of further service, please address me
If it is not convenient for you
If there is any valid reason why you are unable
If we can be of service to you
If we can help you in any way
If we have not made everything perfectly clear, please let us know
If you accommodate us, the favor will be greatly appreciated
If you are interested, please let us hear from you
If you are thinking about ordering
If you desire, our representative will call
If you have any cause for dissatisfaction
If you give this matter your prompt attention
In accordance with the terms of our offer
In accordance with your request
In answering your inquiry regarding
In any event, a reply to this will be very much appreciated
In closing we can only assure you
In compliance with your favor
In compliance with your request, we are pleased to send to you
In conclusion, we can assure you
In order to facilitate our future transactions
In reference to your application
In regard to your proposition
In reply thereto, we wish to inform you
In reply to your valued favor
In response to your recent request
In spite of our best efforts it is not probable
In thanking you for the patronage with which you have favored us
In view of all these facts, we feel justified in claiming
Information has just reached me
It gives us pleasure to recommend
It has consistently been our aim to help our customers
It is a matter of great regret to us
It is a pleasure for me to answer your inquiry
It is a well known fact
It is interesting to note
It is our very great pleasure to advise you
It is the policy of our house
It seems clear that our letter must have miscarried
It was purely an oversight on our part
It will be entirely satisfactory to us
It will be our aim to interest you
It will be readily appreciated
It will be to your advantage
It will doubtless be more convenient for you
It will interest you to know
It will receive the same careful attention


Just mail the enclosed card


Kindly endorse your reply on the enclosed sheet
Kindly let us have your confirmation at your earliest convenience
Kindly let us know your pleasure concerning
Kindly read the enclosed list


Let me thank you for the opportunity to give this matter my personal attention
Let us assure you of our desire to cooperate with you
Let us assure you that we are very much pleased
Let us know if there is any further attention
Let us thank you again for opening an account with us
Looking forward to the early receipt of some of your orders


May I ask you to do us a great favor by
May we be favored with a reply
Meantime soliciting your forbearance
Meanwhile permit me to thank you for your kind attention


On referring to your account we notice
Our letter must have gone astray
Our relations with your house must have hitherto been very pleasant
Our services are at your command
Our stock has been temporarily exhausted
Owing to our inability to collect out-standing debts


Permit me to add
Permit us to express our sincere appreciation
Please accept the thanks of the writer
Please consider this letter an acknowledgment
Please favor us with a personal communication
Please feel assured that we shall use every endeavor
Possibly the enclosure may suggest to you
Promptly on receipt of your telegram
Pursuant to your letter


Recently we had occasion
Referring to your esteemed favor
Regretting our inability to serve you in the present instance
Reluctant as we are to believe
Requesting your kind attention to this matter


Should you decide to act upon this latter suggestion
So many requests of a similar nature come to us
Soliciting a continuance of your patronage


Thank you for your expression of confidence
Thanking you for your inquiry
Thanking you for your past patronage
Thanking you for your promptness.
Thanking you in advance for an early reply
Thanking you in anticipation
The causes for the delay were beyond our control
The margin of profit which we allow ourselves
The proof is in this fact
The proposition appeals to us as a good one
Therefore we are able to make you this offer
Therefore we trust you will write to us promptly
These points should be most carefully considered
This arrangement will help us over the present difficulty
This is according to our discussion
This matter has been considered very seriously
This personal guarantee I look upon as a service to you
This privileged communication is for the exclusive use
This will amply repay you
Trusting that we may have the pleasure of serving you
Trusting to receive your best consideration


Under no circumstances can we entertain such an arrangement
Under separate cover we are mailing to you
Under these circumstances we are willing to extend the terms
Unfortunately we are compelled at certain times
Unless you can give us reasonable assurance
Upon being advised that these terms are satisfactory
Upon receiving your letter of


We acknowledge with pleasure the receipt of your order
We admit that you are justified in your complaint
We again solicit an opportunity
We again thank you for your inquiry
We always endeavor to please
We appreciate the order you were kind enough to send to us
We appreciate your patronage very much
We are always glad to furnish information
We are anxious to make satisfactory adjustment
We are at a loss to understand why
We are at your service at all times
We are confident that you will have no further trouble
We are extremely desirous of pleasing our patrons
We are in a position to give you considerable help
We are in receipt of your communication regarding
We are indeed sorry to learn
We are perfectly willing to make concessions
We are pleased to receive your request for information
We are pleased to send you descriptive circulars
We are reluctant to adopt such severe measures
We are satisfied regarding your statement
We are sending to you by mail
We are sorry to learn from your letter
We are thoroughly convinced of the need
We are totally at a loss to understand
We are very anxious to have you try
We are very glad to testify to the merit of
We ask for a continuance of your confidence
We ask that you kindly let us hear from you
We assume that you are considering
We assure you of our confidence in the reliability
We assure you of our desire to be of service
We await an early, and we trust, a favorable reply
We await the courtesy of an early answer
We beg a moment of your attention and serious consideration
We believe that if you will carefully consider the matter
We believe you will readily understand our position
We can assure you that any order with which you favor us
We desire information pertaining to your financial condition
We desire to effect a settlement
We desire to express our appreciation of your patronage
We desire to impress upon you
We expect to be in the market soon
We feel assured that you will appreciate
We feel sure that you will approve of our action in this matter
We frankly apologize to you
We hasten to acknowledge the receipt
We have anticipated a heavy demand
We have, as yet, no definite understanding
We have come to the conclusion
We have endeavored to serve the needs of your organization
We have found it impossible
We have much pleasure in answering your inquiry
We have no desire to adopt harsh measures
We have not had the pleasure of placing your name on our ledgers
We have not, however, had the pleasure of hearing from you
We have not yet had time to sift the matter thoroughly
We have the honor to be, gentlemen
We have the honor to inform you
We have thought it best to forward
We have your request for information regarding
We hesitated for a while to pursue the matter
We hope that an understanding can be reached
We hope that we shall have many opportunities to demonstrate our ability
We hope that you will find the enclosed booklet very interesting
We hope to hear favorably from you
We hope you will appreciate
We hope you will excuse the unavoidable delay
We invite your attention to
We must insist upon a prompt settlement
We must, therefore, insist on the terms of the agreement
We note that the time is at hand
We offer you the services of an expert
We particularly want to interest you
We realize that this matter has escaped your attention
We realize that this is simply an oversight on your part
We regret exceedingly that you have been inconvenienced
We regret our inability to meet your wishes
We regret that owing to the press of business
We regret that this misunderstanding has occurred
We regret that we are not in a position
We regret that we are unable to grant your request
We regret the necessity of calling your attention
We regret to be compelled for this reason to withdraw the privilege
We regret to learn that you are disappointed
We remain, dear sir, yours faithfully
We remain, gentlemen, with thanks
We shall await your early commands with interest
We shall await your reply with interest
We shall be glad to fill your order
We shall be glad to have you tell us frankly
We shall be glad to render you any assistance in our power
We shall be happy to meet your requirements
We shall be indebted to you for your courtesy
We shall be pleased to receive the remittance
We shall be pleased to take the matter up further
We shall do everything in our power
We shall do our best to correct the mistake
We shall feel compelled
We shall heartily appreciate any information
We shall use every endeavor
We suggest that this is an opportune time
We suggest that you consider
We take pleasure in enclosing herewith
We take pleasure in explaining the matter you asked about
We take the liberty of deviating from your instructions
We take the liberty of writing to you.
We thank you for calling our attention
We thank you for your courteous letter
We thank you for your kind inquiry of recent date
We thank you very gratefully for your polite and friendly letter
We thank you very much for the frank statement of your affairs
We thank you very sincerely for your assistance
We think you will agree
We trust our explanation will meet with your approval
We trust that we may hear favorably from you
We trust that you will give this matter your immediate attention
We trust you may secure some of the exceptional values
We trust you will find it correct
We trust you will not consider us unduly strict
We trust you will promptly comply with our previous suggestions
We understand your position
We urge that you write to us by early mail
We venture to enclose herewith
We very much wish you to examine
We want every opportunity to demonstrate our willingness
We want particularly to impress upon you this fact
We want to please you in every respect
We want to remind you again
We want you to read the booklet carefully
We will at once enter your order
We will be compelled to take the necessary steps
We will be glad to lay before you the fullest details
We will be pleased to give it careful consideration
We will gladly accommodate you
We will gladly extend to you similar courtesies whenever we can do so
We will make it a point to give your correspondence close attention
We would appreciate a remittance
We would consider it a great favor
We would draw your attention to the fact
We would request, as a special favor
We write to suggest to you
We write to urge upon you the necessity
We wrote to you at length
While we appreciate the peculiar circumstances
While we feel that we are in no way responsible
Why not allow us this opportunity to satisfy you
Will you give us, in confidence, your opinion
Will you give us the benefit of your experience
Will you kindly advise us in order that we may adjust our records
Will you please give us your immediate attention
With our best respects and hoping to hear from you
With reference to your favor of yesterday
With regard to your inquiry
With the fullest assurance that we are considering
With the greatest esteem and respect


You are certainly justified in complaining
You are evidently aware that there is a growing demand
You are quite right in your statement
You cannot regret more than I the necessity
You undoubtedly are aware
You will find interest, we believe, in this advance announcement
You will get the benefit of this liberal offer
You will have particular interest in the new and attractive policy
Your early attention to this matter will oblige
Your further orders will be esteemed
Your inquiry has just been received, and we are glad to send to you
Your orders and commands will always have our prompt and best attention
Your satisfaction will dictate our course
Your trial order is respectfully solicited
Your usual attention will oblige

Some Useful Condescending Phrases

Some useful phrases to use as an Evil Overlord as given by Steve Meredith. These humorous cuts were originally listed as useful phrases to use around work but they probably only work well if you are a Evil Overlord(TM).
  1. Thank you. We're all refreshed and challenged by your unique point of view.
  2. The fact that no one understands you doesn't mean you're an artist.
  3. I don't know what your problem is, but I'll bet it's hard to pronounce.
  4. Any connection between your reality and mine is purely coincidental.
  5. I have plenty of talent and vision. I just don't care.
  6. I like you. You remind me of when I was young and stupid.
  7. What am I? Flypaper for freaks!?
  8. I'm not being rude. You're just insignificant.
  9. I'm already visualizing the duct tape over your mouth.
  10. I will always cherish the initial misconceptions I had about you.
  11. It's a thankless job, but I've got a lot of Karma to burn off.
  12. Yes, I am an agent of Satan, but my duties are largely ceremonial.
  13. No, my powers can only be used for good.
  14. How about never? Is never good for you?
  15. I'm really easy to get along with once you people learn to worship me.
  16. You sound reasonable...Time to up my medication.
  17. I'll try being nicer if you'll try being smarter.
  18. I'm out of my mind, but feel free to leave a message...
  19. I don't work here. I'm a consultant.
  20. Who me? I just wander from room to room.
  21. My toys! My toys! I can't do this job without my toys!
  22. It might look like I'm doing nothing, but at the cellular level I'm really quite busy.
  23. At least I have a positive attitude about my destructive habits.
  24. You are validating my inherent mistrust of strangers.
  25. I see you've set aside this special time to humiliate yourself in public.
  26. Someday, we'll look back on this, laugh nervously and change the subject.
am honored to support him as a candidate
am pleased to provide a reference for
am delighted to be called upon
am happy to recommend
am pleased to comment on
can offer only the highest recommendation for
first became acquainted with
first came to my attention when
has worked directly under my supervision
has been a pleasure to supervise
have known Ms. Doe for
have no hesitation in recommending
have been his supervisor since
her performance as a
his qualifications and performance
have had the opportunity to
in the past two years
is a pleasure to recommend
was a student in two of my classes

a creative problem-solver
always cheerful and dependable
always behaves professionally
broad range of skills
can attest to his integrity
careful attention to detail
comments are well thought out and clearly articulated
communicates her ideas clearly
communicates effectively in writing
completely loyal and trustworthy
demonstrated particular strengths in
follows tasks through to completion
gets along well with others
handles responsibility well
has a take-charge personality
has a flair for organization
her sensitivity and concern for others
is innovative and creative
is a tireless worker
is mature beyond her years
is intelligent and ambitious
is personable and easy to work with
keeps calm under pressure
meticulous attention to detail
one of our finest, most well-rounded undergraduates
outstanding leadership abilities
punctual and hard working
self-motivated individual
wide-range knowledge of
willing to go beyond what is required
willing to take on new responsibilities
works efficiently and effectively
works independently and effectively
works well with little supervisionevery confidence in her ability to

give my unqualified recommendation
has always proved satisfactory
has my highest recommendation
have admiration and respect for
have no reservations in
hope this information proves helpful
if I can further assist
if you have further questions
if you need additional information
if you would like more information
recommend without reservation
recommend her very highly
request your favorable consideration of
should be given serious consideration
should you have any questions
will meet your expectations
will be successful in any enterprise he undertakes
will be a credit to your
will measure up to your high standards
will be a great addition to
would be an asset to your program
would be a valuable addition to

Aug 17, 2012

If you can look at the sunset and smile,
then you still have hope.

If you can find beauty in the colors of a small flower,
then you still have hope.

If you can find pleasure in the movement of a butterfly,
then you still have hope.

If the smile of a child can still warm your heart,
then you still have hope.

If you can see the good in other people,
then you still have hope.

If the rain breaking on a roof top can still lull you to sleep,
then you still have hope.

If the sight of a rainbow still makes you stop and stare in wonder,
then you still have hope.

If the soft fur of a favored pet still feels pleasant under your fingertips,
then you still have hope.

If you meet new people with a trace of excitement and optimism,
then you still have hope.

If you give people the benefit of a doubt,
then you still have hope.

If you still offer your hand in friendship to others that have touched your life,
then you still have hope.

If receiving an unexpected card
or letter still brings a pleasant surprise,
then you still have hope.

If the suffering of others still fills your with pain and frustration,
then you still have hope.

If you refuse to let a friendship die,
or accept that it must end,
then you still have hope.

If you look forward to a time or place of quiet and reflection,
then you still have hope.

If you still buy the ornaments,
put up the home or cook the supper,
then you still have hope.

If you can look to the past and smile,
then you still have hope.

If, when faced with the bad,
when told everything is futile,
you can still look up and end the conversation with the phrase..."yeah...BUT.,"
then you still have hope.

Hope is such a marvelous thing.
It bends, it twists, it sometimes hides,
but rarely does it break.

It sustains us when nothing else can.

It gives us reason to continue and courage to move ahead,
when we tell ourselves we'd rather give in.

Hope puts a smile on our face
when the heart cannot manage.

Hope puts our feet on the path
when our eyes cannot see it.

Hope moves us to act
when our souls are confused of the direction.

Hope is a wonderful thing,
something to be cherished and nurtured,
and something that will refresh us in return.
And it can be found in each of us,
and it can bring light into the darkest of places.

The international food shortage:
Recently, a worldwide survey was conducted and the only question asked was: "Would you please give your honest opinion about the solution to the food shortage in the rest of the world?"
The survey was, not surprisingly, a huge failure. Because:
In Africa they didn't know what "food" meant.
In Eastern Europe they didn't know what "honest" meant.
In Western Europe they didn't know what "shortage" meant.
In China they didn't know what "opinion" meant.
In the Middle East they didn't know what "solution" meant.
In South America they didn't know what "please" meant.
And, in the USA they didn't know what "the rest of the world" meant.

Aug 14, 2012

On the occasion of independence day I wish all the people around the world to have the "right to live" their life irrespective of the cast and religion. 
Happy independence day.


v  Act for - The senior clerk asked to act for head clerk when he went on leave.

v  Agree with - Oil does not agree with my stomach.

v  Answer for – Every man must answer for his actions to God.

v  Ask after (enquire) - He was asking after you, when I met him this morning.

v  Back out - Megha had promised me two hundred rupees but later he backed out from his words.

v  Back up - Let us all back up his demand.

v  Be off (leave) – I will be off to the railway station now.

v  Be over – After the picture will be over we will go home.

v  Be up – Time is going to be up, hand over the answer sheets.

v  Bear on – Does the book bear on the same subject as that?

v  Bear with – It is very difficult to bear with Praveen’s bad temper.

v  Believe in – I do not believe in astrology.

v  Bid fair – Haran’s coaching has been so good that he bids fair to win the race.

v  Blow over (without damage) – We hope that this crisis will blow over and be forgotten.

v  Blow down – The storm last night blew down many big trees.

v  Blow out – On her birthday she blew out the candles.

v  Blow up (blast) – The retreating army blew up all the bridges.

v  Break down – Our car broke down on the way to Agra.

v  Break in (train) – How much time do you need to break in this horse?

v  Break in (get in) - We had to break in the room when there was no response from her.

v  Break loose – During the storm the boat broke loose from its anchor.

v  Break loose – the buffalo broke loose the rope and ran away.

v  Break off (stop, end) – Ramya was saying something, but broke off as she saw him.

v  Break out – No one could tell the police how the fire broke out.

v  Break up – Sandeep intervened to break up the quarrel.

v  Break with – Pavan and Mallikarjuna were close friends, but they seem to have broken off now.

v  Bring about – The new government brought about many reforms.

v  Bring forward – The proposal Seema brought forward did not seem practical.

v  Bring in – How much does your monthly salary bring in?

v  Bring off –The Indian cricket team touring in England brought off a spectacular victory.

v  Bring on – Dirt often brings on diseases.

v  Bring out – War brings out the worst in people.

v  Bring to – The unconscious man was brought to consciousness.

v  Bring under – The king brought under the rebels and established peace in his kingdom.

v  Bring up – Anil was brought up by his uncle.

v  Brush off – As she became irritating, I had to brush her off.

v  Buckle to(to apply oneself energetically; set to work with effort) – With his examinations round the corner, Ramesh has to  buckle to at once.

v  Build up – You need to build up your strength after your recent illness.

Burn down – the house was completely burnt down in the great fire. 


  • Affect ignorance (ಅಮಾಯಾಕಥೆಯ à²¨à²Ÿà²¨ೆ ) – You can not affect ignorance of the law and escape punishment.
  • At daggers drawn (ಶತ್ರುತ್ವ- Once upon a time they were friends, but now they are at daggers drawn over the issue of money.
  • Be off (leave) – I was tired of her chattering and asked her to be off.
  • At the eleventh hour (last movement) – The mob was getting out of control, but at the eleventh hour the police arrived.
  • Apple of one’s eye (ಪ್ರಿಯ) – His lovely daughter is the apple of his eye.
  • Apple of discord (Reason of fight) – Ever since their father death, this property has been ab apple of discord between the two brothers.
  • All moonshine (lie) –What you are saying is all moonshine.
  • Be out of the question (not possible) - Without oxygen life is out of question.
  • Beat about the bush – Come to the point, don’t beat about the bush.
  • Bed of roses (ಸುಖದ ಸುಪ್ಪತಿಗೆ) – Life is bed of roses.
  • Bosom friend (ಪ್ರಾಣ ಸ್ನೇಹಿತ) - Arun and Anil are bosom friends.
  • Break the ice (start speaking) - They sat in awkward silence till I broke the ice.
  • Build castles in the air (ಗಾಳಿಗೋಪುರ ಕಟ್ಟು– There is no point in building castles in the air.
  • Burn the candle at both ends (lavish spending) – There is no meaning in burning the candle at both ends like this.
  • Chicken-hearted fellow (ಅಂಜುಬುರುಕ) – A chicken hearted man like you will never make a soldier.

Aug 12, 2012


A phrase is two or more words that do not contain the subject-verbpair necessary to form a clause. Phrases can be very short or quite long. Here are two examples:

  • After lunch
  • After slithering down the stairs and across the road to scare nearly to death Mrs. Philpot busy pruning her rose bushes
  • The ball is in your court.
  • Let bygones be bygones.
  • Hit the nail on the head.
  • It takes two to tango.
  • Hold your horses.
  • Idle hands are the devil's tools.
  • Wear your heart on your sleeve.
  • Don't put all your eggs in one basket.
  • Every cloud has a silver lining.
  • Go down like a lead balloon.
  • A picture paints a thousand words.
  • Haste makes waste.
  • Don't count your chickens before they hatch.
  • A house divided against itself cannot stand.
  • Go the extra mile.
  • Blood is thicker than water.
  • You can't take it with you.
  • The bigger they are the harder they fall.
  • When it rains, it pours.
  • A penny saved is a penny earned.
  • He lost his head.
  • It's a small world.
  • Great minds think alike.
  • If it's not one thing, it's another.
  • Elvis has left the building.
  • Actions speak louder than words.
  • Practice makes perfect.
  • Keep your chin up.
  • Let sleeping dogs lie.
  • Never bite the hand that feeds you.
  • You can't judge a book by its cover.
  • Drastic times call for drastic measures.
  • Lend me your ear.
  • Practice makes perfect.
  • Rise and shine.
  • You are what you eat.
  • Let the cat out of the bag.
  • Mum's the word.
  • A bird in the hand is worth two in the bush.
  • Your guess is as good as mine.
  • Rome was not built in one day. 
  • A fool and his money are easily parted.
  • A cat that refused to meow.
    • The shoplifted pair of jeans- The shoplifted pair of jeans caused Nathaniel so much guilt that he couldn't wear them.
    • Had cleaned - Mom had just cleaned the refrigerator shelves when Lawrence knocked over the pitcher of orange juice.
    • Should have been writing - Sarah should have been writing her research essay, but she couldn't resist another short chapter in her Stephen King novel.
    • Must wash - If guests are coming for dinner, we must wash our smelly dog!
    Read these examples:
    The spider above the kitchen sink has just caught a fat fly.
    Which spider? The one above the kitchen sink!
    The librarian at the check-out desk smiles whenever she collects a late fee.
    Which librarian? The one at the check-out desk!
    The vegetables on Noel's plate lay untouched the entire meal.
    Which vegetables? The ones on Noel's plate!
    As an adverb, a prepositional phrase will answer questions such as How? When? or Where?
    While sitting in the cafeteria, Jack catapulted peas with a spoon.
    How did Jack launch those peas? With a spoon!
    After breakfast, we piled the dirty dishes in the sink.
    When did we ignore the dirty dishes? After breakfast!
    Amber finally found the umbrella wedgedunder the passenger's front seat.
    Where did Amber locate the umbrella? Under the passenger's front seat!