Sep 4, 2021

Hassan spoken English Academy Corporate Lesson

 😂😂😂 A corporate lesson!! 

A farmer had a horse & a goat…..

One day the horse became very ill & he called the veterinarian, who said: "Well, ur horse has a virus, he must take this medicine for 3 days. I'll come back on the 3rd day &  if he's not better, we're going to have to put him to sleep."

Nearby, the goat listened closely to their conversation.

The next day, the Vet gave him the medicine & left.

The goat approached the horse & said:

"Be strong, friend. Get up or else they're going to put u to sleep!"

On the 2nd day,  the Dr. again gave him the medicine & left.

The goat came back & said: - "Come on buddy, get up or else you're going to die! Come on, I'll help u get up".

Let's go! One, two, three... but the poor horse wouldn't get up!

On the 3rd day, the Vet gave one look at the horse & said:

"Unfortunately, we're going to have to put him down tomorrow. Otherwise, the virus might spread & infect the other horses."

After they left, the goat approached the horse & said: "Listen pal, it's now or never! Get up, come on! Have courage! Come on! Get up! Get up! That's it, slowly! Great! Come on, one, two, three... Good, good. Now faster, come on...... Fantastic! Run, run more!

Yes! Yay! Yes! U did it, you're a champion!!!"

All of a sudden, the owner came back to the farm, saw the horse running on the field ... he was not aware of goat's role in this. He began shouting: "It's a miracle! My horse is cured. We must have a Grand celebration...

Let's cook the goat !!!!"

Corporate Lesson: 

'Whatever good u do, always mark a Cc to ur boss'!

😂😂😂 ultimate😁

Feb 7, 2020

Find the correct answer:

1. We need some tea. ______ do we need?

2. We need some eggs. ______ do we need?

3. We need some paper. ______ do we need? 

4. We need some money. ______ do we need?

5. ______ cigarettes do you smoke a day?

6. ______ packets of cigarettes do you have?

7. ______ work have you got to do?

8. ______ sleep did you get last night?

9. ______ children have you got?

10. ______ bottles of wine are there in the cellar?

11. ______ English grammar do you know?

12. ______ Americans do you know?

13. ______ sugar do you take in your tea?

14. ______ apples do you eat in an average week?

15. ______ fruit do you eat in an average week?

16. ______ chairs are there in your house?

17. ______ furniture do you have?

18. ______ traffic was there on the motorway today?

19. ______ times must I tell you?

20. ______ real friends do you have?

Feb 6, 2020



*CHANDAN: Hi, how’s it going?
*RENUKA: I’m not badhow about you?
*CHANDAN: Well, I’m so sad because I miss a friend
*RENUKA: Oh! I’m sorrythen if you miss that friendyou should tell him that you need him.
*CHANDAN: I’d like to tell him but I can’t do itbecause he has to study and he doesn’t have time for talking or going out.
*RENUKA: Wow! I’m surprised because that shows that you are a good friend, I’d like to do something for you but I don’t know what to tell you.
*CHANDAN: Don’t worry! I just wanna say that I’m thankful for your friendship because you always know to hear me and I like being your friend for 
*RENUKA: Thanks a lot, I still remember when I knew youyou needed someone for talking and I was bored that night.

*CHANDAN: Hahaha, I also remember thatIt was midnight and you weren’t sleepyso we are friends since then.
*RENUKA: Yeah, It’s good to know it.
*CHANDAN: Changing about topicwhat are you up to?
*RENUKA: Well, I’m chatting with you and listening to music.
*CHANDAN: Oh, that’s greatWhat music do you listen?
*RENUKA: I’m listening to pop
*CHANDAN: NiceIs that only genre what you like or you like other genre?
*RENUKA: I’d say that I like listening to pophip hop and ballad but I sometimes don’t like listening ballad because It gets me down easily, I gotta own up that I’m a little sentimental.

*CHANDAN: Oh thenYou are a shy person.
*RENUKA: mmmmm! I wouldn’t say that, I’m a little complicated with everything.
*CHANDAN: Why do you say that?
*RENUKA: I tell you because It’s the truthbut welleverything changed when I knew youhowever you changed my life and I hope You’re gonna feel good with this.
*CHANDAN: I say the sameIt means a lot for me, You’re the best person I’ve known if someone tells me for changing something about you, I won’t never do it because You’re perfect.
*RENUKA: Perfect? I don’t believe it, I know I have lots of weak points because nobody’s perfect in this life then It was going to be like this then It will be awful.

*CHANDAN: YeahYou have a lot of reason, I’m dreadfully sorry for saying that, I messed up.
*RENUKA: Take it easy, It’s not your own faultWe are humans and everyone has mistakes all time,by the wayhow is the weather over there? I’d love to know it so that I will travel over there for taking a rest.
*CHANDAN: That’s amazing bludThe weather is strange here because It’s sometimes warm and cold,for exampleIt was raining cats and dogs yesterday but It began to let up today morning.
*RENUKA: Thenyou mean that place isn’t good for taking a rest for now.
*CHANDAN: That’s rightYou understand quiekly haha LoL
*RENUKA: Of course, I’m very intelligent
*CHANDAN: I know it dude

*RENUKA: Can I tell you anything?
*CHANDAN: Yessure.
*RENUKA: Yesterdaymy dad told me off because my bedroom was untidy up.
*CHANDAN: That’s not goodYou should tidy up your bedroom everyday for avoiding to your dad, I hope It doesn’t happen next time.
*RENUKA: I don’t know If I can do it because I always bring on lots of troubles, I never stay at home for that, I’m in my cousin’s home right now, he’s a great cousin.

*CHANDAN: WellYou gotta try to be a better person each dayOkay?
*RENUKA: Okay friendthanks for your advice.
*CHANDAN: You’re welcomeyou know that you can always rely on me.
*RENUKA: I think I gotta back on home because It’s very late and I don’t want to stay here overnight.
*CHANDAN: Okay matetake care and see you soon
*RENUKA: Yeah, It’s nice talking to you
*CHANDAN: Likewisebe careful buddysee you
*RENUKA: You too.