Aug 6, 2012

                       COULD / SHOULD

Could states an option or a suggestion – other options to try.        
"I lost my wallet. What am I going to do?"                                  
"Well, you could . . . 
  1. go back to the last place you saw it.
  2. remember where you went today.
  3. search your house and car.

Should states advice, a stronger suggestion - the best option to do.
"I lost my wallet. What am I going to do?"    
You should . . .
  1. cancel your credit cards.
  2. notify the campus police.

Suggestion – a helpful idea, plan, or possibility that someone mentions.
Advice     – an opinion you give someone about what they should do.


Could have states past options, suggestions, or solutions that were not taken or done.  The person states them too late to act upon.
"My computer froze and I lost the project I was working on!"
 "You could have . . .
  1. used auto-save
  2. tried the escape key
  3. used a back-up drive or site

Should have states advice about something in the past.  The person states them too late to act upon them.
"My computer froze and I lost the project I was working on!"
 "You should have . . .
  1. used auto-save
  2. tried the escape key
  3. used a back-up drive or site

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