Aug 7, 2012

Present simple or continuous

The Present Simple is used for:
  • regular actions or events 
    He plays tennis most weekends.
  • facts 
    The sun rises in the east.
  • facts known about the future 
    We leave at 8.30 next Monday 
  • thoughts and feelings about the time of speaking
    I don't feel very well.
  • With He, She, it we use s' form.                   
The Present Continuous is used for:
  • the time of speaking ('now')
    Shh, I'm trying to hear what they are saying .
  • things which are true at the moment but not always
    We're looking for a new flat.
  • present plans for the future
    We're having dinner with them next week .
Look at these examples :
  • I don't usually have cereals for breakfast but I'm having some this morning because there is nothing else.
  • I often cycle to work but I'm taking the car this morning because it's raining very hard.
  • I'm thinking about having my hair cut short but I don't think my husband will be very happy about it.
  • My parents live in Washington but I'm just visiting.
Note how, in all these examples, we use the present continuous to talk about events which are temporary/limited in time and the present simple to talk about events which are habits/permanent.

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