Aug 10, 2012

First in India

1. British Governor General of Bengal   = Warren Hastings

2. Governor General of Independent India=  Lord Mountbatten

3. Commander-in-chief of Free India = General Roy Bucher

4.Cosmonaut = Sqn. Ldr. Rakesh Sharma

5. Emperor of Mughal Dynasty in India= Babar

6. Field Marshal = S. H. F. J. Manekshaw

7. Indian Governor General of Indian Union = C. Rajagopalachari

8. Indian I.C.S. Officer = Satyendra Nath Tagore

9.Indian Member of Viceroy's Executive Council =  Sri S. P. Sinha

10.Indian to swim across English Channel = Mihir Sen

11.Indian woman to swim across-English Channel = Miss Arati Saha

12.Man to climb Mount Everest = Tenzing Norgay

13.Man to climb Mount Everest without Oxygen = Phu Dorjee

14.Man to climb Mount Everest twice = Nwang Gombu

15.Nobel Prize winner = Rabindra Nath Tagore

16.President of Indian National Congress = W. C. Banerjee

17.President of Indian Republic = Dr. Rajendra Prasad

18.Talkie Film = Alam Ara (1931)

19.Test Tube Baby (Documented) = Indira

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